Closing a Loop

I am not sure that closing the loop is accurate with this build :) There is *a* loop now, at least!  I've added a refillable water dish, tuned the rate trees produce food and added poop!  I've updated the music and sound effects.   I've also made the level much smaller as well - I think this suits the game best for now.

As your creature gets hungry you will need to shake the trees to knock down fruit so it can eat.  If it gets thirsty you'll need to make sure its water dish is full by using the pump.  Pick up it's poop (black cubes) and deposit them into the black dumpster to earn a coin*!  My goal with this build was to create a closed game play loop, which I think I've accomplished.  In the next iteration I'd like to add more goals for the player.  Right now 'cleaning up poop' is satisfying but there isn't much lasting power and it's a goal that is forced on you.  Now that I have a currency in the game I am excited to add things for the player to buy!

Thanks for taking the time to read this - if you decide to give this a try, please let me know what you think!  I am especially interested to gather suggestions for what to do next!

Thanks to Viktor Kraus for one of the placeholder music tracks.

* you get coins, but you can't do anything with them or see how many you have (for now).  Sorry!


Cozy Backyard 48 MB
Mar 20, 2023

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